Welcome to the BETTERWISER

Data Security Policy

Effective Date: 25th August 2023

  1. Introduction:

At Betterwiser, we are committed to protecting the security and confidentiality of the data collected and processed through our website. This Data Security Policy outlines the measures and practices we implement to safeguard user data and maintain a secure online environment. By using our website, you agree to comply with this policy.

  1. Data Collection and Use:

2.1. Personal Information:

We collect and process personal information provided by users during account registration, purchase transactions, contact forms, and other interactions with our website. This data is used to fulfil user requests, improve user experience, and provide relevant information about our products and services. Personal information collected may include, but is not limited to, name, email address, contact details, and payment information.

2.2. Non-Personal Information:

We may also collect non-personal information such as browser type, operating system, IP address and website usage data. This information is used to analyse website performance, enhance user experience, and ensure website security.

  1. Data Security Measures:

3.1. Secure Socket Layer (SSL):

Our website uses SSL encryption to protect data transmitted between the user’s browser and our servers. SSL ensures that sensitive information, such as login credentials and payment details, remains encrypted during transmission, reducing the risk of interception by unauthorized parties.

3.2. Data Access Control:

Access to user data is restricted to authorized personnel only. Employees and contractors with access to sensitive data undergo regular training on data security best practices and are bound by confidentiality obligations.

3.3. Data Storage:

User data is stored securely on servers with industry-standard security measures. We regularly assess our hosting providers to ensure they comply with data security standards.

3.4. Payment Security:

For online transactions, we partner with reputable payment processors to handle payment information securely. We do not store credit card or other financial data on our servers.

3.5. Website Security Monitoring:

We employ various security tools and technologies to monitor and protect our website against potential security threats, such as malware, hacking attempts, and unauthorized access.

  1. User Responsibilities:

4.1. Account Security:

Users are responsible for safeguarding their account login credentials and must not share their account details with others. We recommend using strong passwords and regularly updating them.

4.2. Suspicious Activities:

Users must promptly report any suspicious activities or unauthorized access to our customer support team.

  1. Data Breach Response:

5.1. In the event of a data breach or unauthorized access to user data, we will promptly investigate the incident, assess its scope, and take appropriate actions to mitigate potential harm. If required by applicable laws, affected users will be notified about the breach and the steps they should take to protect their information.

  1. Compliance with Laws:

6.1. We comply with relevant data protection and privacy laws, regulations, and industry standards applicable to the regions we operate in.

  1. Changes to the Data Security Policy:

7.1. This Data Security Policy is subject to change without prior notice. We recommend that you review this policy periodically to stay updated on any modifications.

For any questions or concerns regarding our website’s data security measures, please contact us at:

Company Name

Betterwiser Services Private Limited


441, 4th Floor, JMD Megapolis, Sohna Road, Sector-48, Gurgaon, Haryana-122018

Email Address


Phone Number


  1. Disclaimer of Liability

Although we are committed to protecting the security and confidentiality of the data collected and processed through our website as per this policy, still in the world of online transactions and information, it is not 100% possible to avoid each and every virus or malware attack on the data. In any such case, we are not responsible in any sense of law for any direct or indirect loss of any kind to the user or any third party due to any misuse or theft of data due to any outside attack on the user data. By using this website, you are deemed agreeing to all the terms and conditions with disclaimer of liability.

Thank you for entrusting your data with Betterwiser.

We are committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy online experience for our users.


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